

  • Over 240,000 women and over 2,000 men will be diagnosed with some form of IT this year…
  • Over 40,000 women and over 450 men will die from IT this year.
  • We DON’T know what causes IT
  • We CAN’T prevent IT
  • 1 woman every 3 minutes will hear the words “YOU” have breast cancer. 1 woman diagnosed every 3 minutes, 125 per day in just the United States
  • 111 women die per day, 40,460 per year from IT
  • Over all life time risk is 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed

Reality is, every 3 minutes somebody’s grandmother, mother, aunt, sister, wife or best friend is diagnosed with Breast Cancer. A breast Cancer diagnosis forever changes families through no fault of their own as it is devastating both physically and financially. Medical bills will accumulate each and every day, not just in the months of May or October.

The financial burden of breast cancer treatments and follow up care are estimated around $50,000+, dependent on the stage of the disease and extent of treatment required. According to a Kaiser Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Study, minimum of 33% of cancer patients have trouble paying their medical bills while 43% skip treatment or do not fill prescriptions due to the associated cost. On average families in today’s economy, do not have the budget to cover the cost of a breast cancer diagnosis. 1 out of 5 patients with health insurance will still be forced to use all or most of their savings during the course of their treatment. A patient with 10% or 20% insurance co-pay will still be looking at an estimated $15,000+ out of pocket. For the uninsured or the underinsured cancer patients the percentages increase drastically for financial disaster and the outlook for beating the disease doesn’t become their reality. Women and men should not be financially ruined to fight their fight!

Many families struggle today to cover basic living expenses such as mortgages, utilities, food, etc. Add to that the cost to fight the fight families shouldn’t be forced to make choices between fighting to become a survivor and keeping a roof over their head, food for their family and/or treatment and medications. While research is essential for “ending this disease” we have to focus and help the people that are afflicted with breast cancer, our heroes fighting for their lives, to ease the stress of their financial burden and increase that statistics of breast cancer SURVIVORSHIP!

SHE 4Life, LLC wants to develop programs with our products and licensed programs that will assist in making a difference for all afflicted with breast cancer. This program will help breast cancer patients and their families, 365 days a year, not just in the months of May and/or October. The goal is to be able to GIVE BACK – pay/Pink forward! We want to make a difference and have people thinking PINK 365 Days a year with every breast cancer patient and with each daily new diagnosis of breast cancer.